Mental And Behavioral Health

School Evaluation

Database Demo

The Logo

This assessment is to improve and assist a school system in better determination of a mental plan for a child with the knowledge of a presenting diagnosis and recommendation as it relates to their mental health. It is not considered a full comprehensive psychiatric assessment of a child which would require a detailed comprehensive interview with the child and their caretakers.

This assessment only assesses a history of 90 days

Basic Information

Date of evaluation
Name Client ID
Address Contact Number
Grade Level of education
Guardian Participants
DOB Age: Referal By:
Community Agency Involved

Chief Complaint and presenting issues:

Questions Responses
1. What is reason or rationale for your presentation here and now:
2. Desribe the circumstances and what you think led to the need for this mental health evaluation.
3. Identify behaviors specific for the reason for this assessment.
4. What are the current behaviors being displayed that is disturbing a normal school session. What school official is reporting this.